As we’ve been working through areas related to acceptance and impermanence, an important aspect to be mindful of is our expectations. We hold expectations in several categories, creating high emotions and chaotic situations. Learn more about our expectations on self, others, and our environment and the impacts on has on our wellness. Put together your wellness tools to create a healthy and balanced way of being.
The information shared here is timeless and can be useful no matter when you listen.
Original airdate: 1/9/2020
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Very helpful to hear words describing the concept I was struggling to define, that setting boundaries and expectations does not mean we should expect others to follow the boundaries we set. So in that sense, releasing our expectations is quite freeing, and allows us to set boundaries while still responding appropriately when those boundaries are either honored or ignored. Thank you so much for articulating this concept so clearly. I see the light within you. 🤲🏻❤️🤲🏻

Just what I needed to hear. Expectations get me in trouble all the time. Thank you.

I enjoyed this very much. Thank you. I will be listening to more.

Nicole I really enjoyed this as it spoke to so many ways that our expectations get in the way and cause trouble. I am studying DBT and found this built upon what I'm learning in a very meaningful and easy to understand way. I was curious about the use of the phrase "badgering bully". It was followed by a precaution to pay attention to our use of language so as to not consider a person toxic, but rather that their behavior can be toxic. Can you help me understand why the phrase "badgering bully" would be used, as this does label a person as a bully, vs focusing on their behavior. I do sometimes get hung up on words and am just trying to understand. Thank you. I've bookmarked this and I'm heading to your website now to learn more! With gratitude 🙏💖🙏 Traci
