Serenity Wellness Podcast
Nicole White
Develop your wellness toolbox for mental health, self-awareness, connection, and healing. Heal and balance your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.
My name is Nicole White and I'm your host. I own Serenity Wellness Centre, a virtual center, where I specialize in Integrative Mental Health, Energy Therapy, and non-ordinary states of consciousness for mental health treatment. Welcome! I'm happy to help you gather your tools for full-body wellness.

Serenity Wellness Podcast is now on YouTube
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E104 ~ Judgmental Mind ~ Rewire to Love ~ Week 1:4 Learn the fundamentals of mindset, emotions, physical impacts, and where the imprinting began. Gain an understanding of how intergenerational threads impact the now and
Most Listened To
Episode – 63 – Emotions and Addiction
Our comfort and connection to our emotions can impact the possibility of addictive aspects in life. When we have a lack of emotional readiness or
Start From the Beginning
Episode – 1 – An Introduction Welcome to Serenity Wellness Podcast. My name is Nicole White and I’ll be your host for this podcast series. This series is dedicated to
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E103 ~ Unconditional Positive Regard ~ Do You Practice it?

Unconditional Positive Regard is different from Unconditional Love. Here is a little insight into the differences and how you might cultivate UPR as a way of processing life.