Mindful presence involves fully connecting to the current experience you’re in. Connected to self, the environment, and others around you. Being all in. Being the observer, gaining understanding, and a deeper connection. By practicing mindful presence, it assists in alleviating stress, anxiety, depression, and frustration. It allows for improved physical health and connections with others. Learn about areas to consider embracing a mindful connection.
The information shared here is timeless and can be useful no matter when you listen.
Original airdate: 12/29/2019
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Thx Nicole

With some podcasts I need to hear them more than once. I’ve listened to this one 3 times before I got it! The lesson for me is indeed to give this gift of mindfulness of presence to those that do not give it to me. Going forward I will attempt to not flee when the cell phone and tv seem to be more important than our spending time together (which is very little). In 2020 one of my goals is to simply hold space for whomever needs it and offer no advice unless it is requested. Seems so simple! Thank you for another wonderful podcast that helps us to reach deep into ourself so we can strive to be mindful in all situations. Namaste. 💜


Love it
